Thursday, January 19, 2012


So, I think snow for a day is exciting and fun. However, snow that accumulate and turns to a sheet of ice making it impossible to even step out the front door is just too much in my opinion. When we originally heard we would have snow, the kids were celebrating and laughing. They were so thrilled that school would be cancelled. There is not so much laughing going on now. They are officially bored with it, and its only been a couple of days. God forbid if we lived in Wisconsin, though I'm sure they are much better equipped to deal with all of this. They have also come to the realization that all these snow days will have to be made up. Most likely that means a longer school year. Boredom has now developed into annoyance.
I have used the time cooped up in the house fairly well. I did manage to spend about seven hours reading, watching YouTube videos on roots and radicals and simplifying expressions with radicals. I found this great site called YAY Math, with this amazing high school teacher explaining everything step by step. The plus is he is interesting, funny, and engaging. A great resource for Algebra and beyond.
Check out, YAY Math.
The icy rain has begun. Its pelting the side of the house. From my office window, I see the firs swaying in the wind. Another day of math begins.

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